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Journal : DiH : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum

DiH: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Volume 15 Nomor 2 Agustus 2019
Publisher : Doctor of Law Study Program Faculty of Law, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/dih.v15i2.2527


Multi - finance institutions in Indonesia are better if the indicator is the number of consumer finance in Indonesia in the last few years. The growth of consumer financing can be seen from all the convenience given by the multi finance. The factor that dominates the forced withdrawal of Fiduciary Guarantee is the existence of problem loans. This problem is al most certainly experienced by any consumer financing institution. The problems discussed in this research are about how the implementation of execution of fiduciary guarantee in the settlement credit toward four wheels (car) The formulation of problems related to with the withdrawal of vehicles accompanied by violence that is: How about the collection of arrangement or confiscation of a motor vehicle that carried out by debt collector against a debtor non-performing loans, Do factors for the act of violence carried out by debt collector, How a settlement effort the act of violence carried out by debt collector in terms of the aspect of criminal law. This research is classified as the kind of research juridical normative , study legislation as criminal code and civil law, Regulation president of the Republic Indonesia No. 9 of 2009 about Funding Institution, the act of No. 42 of 1999 about Fiduciary Security, Minister of Finance Regulation No. 130/PMK.010/2012 about Registration Fiduciary for Financing Company, this research also is study case that is focus self intensively on an object particular and learn that as a case. Arrangement about the collection of vehicles stipulated in a financing with fiduciary security contained in the act of fiduciary security number 42 of 1999 And also minister of finance regulation No 130/PMK. 010/2012
PENGALIHAN ATAS HARTA WARISAN DI INDONESIA Manangin, Muhamad Syaifullah Abadi; Nurmala, Leni Dwi; Martam, Nurmin K
DiH: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Volume 16 Nomor 2 Agustus 2020
Publisher : Doctor of Law Study Program Faculty of Law, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/dih.v16i2.3345


AbstractIn this study the objectives to be achieved are to find out the transfer of inheritance in Indonesia and to find out whether approval is needed by the heirs in the transfer of inheritance. This research uses a normative juridical method, namely by reviewing the provisions regarding legal certainty regarding the procedure for transfer of inheritance assets carried out by one of the heirs without the approval of the other heirs. The procedure for transfer of inheritance in Indonesia is by transferring the inheritance wherein the distribution of inheritance is an act of the heirs. Distribution is usually done by consensus or on a joint will and can be carried out voluntarily and harmony between the heirs. The heirs must know their respective rights according to law and if there is a transfer, there must be approval of the heirs. Transfer of inheritance must be carried out immediately after the testator dies, it should not be postponed unless there are certain circumstances that are not possible. This mainly avoids the possession of inheritance which will eventually lead to a dispute between the parties. So in this case the community must equip themselves with knowledge of inheritance, so that they understand the rights and obligations of each heir, but deliberation is suggested as one of the better solutions, without a court process so that there is no interruption of family friendship.Keywords: heir; inheritance; redirectAbstrakDalam penelitian ini tujuan yang ingin dicapai yakniUntuk mengetahui pengalihan harta warisan di Indonesia dan Untuk mengetahui apakah diperlukan persetujuan oleh ahli waris dalam pengalihan harta warisan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, yakni dengan mengkaji ketentuan mengenai kepastian hukum tentang tata cara Pengalihan harta warisan yang dilakukan oleh salah seorang ahli waris tanpa persetujuan ahli waris yang lainnya.Tata cara pengalihan harta warisan di Indonesia adalah dengan cara pengalihan harta warisandimana pembagian warisan yang merupakan suatu perbuatan dari pada para ahli waris. Pembagian biasanya dilakukan dengan permufakatan atau atas kehendak bersama dan dapat dilaksanakan dengan sukarela dan kerukunan antara para ahli waris.Para ahali waris harus mengetahui haknya masing-masing menurut hukum dan jika ada pengalihan maka harus ada persetujuan ahli waris. Pengalihan harta warisan harus segera dilaksanakan setelah pewaris meninggal, tidak boleh ditunda-tunda kecuali jika ada keadaan tertentu yang tidak memungkinkan. Hal ini terutama menghindari adanya penguasaan harta warisan yang akhirnya akan terjadi sengketa di antara para pihak. Sehingga dalam hal ini masyarakat harus membekali diri dengan pengetahuan tentang waris, sehingga mengerti atas hak dan kewajiban masing-masing ahli waris, namun musyawarah disarankan sebagai salah satu jalan keluar yang lebih baik, tanpa proses pengadilan agar tidak terputusnya silaturahmi antar keluarga.Kata kunci: ahli waris; harta warisan; pengalihan
PENGALIHAN ATAS HARTA WARISAN DI INDONESIA Manangin, Muhamad Syaifullah Abadi; Nurmala, Leni Dwi; Martam, Nurmin K
DiH: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Volume 16 Nomor 2 Agustus 2020
Publisher : Doctor of Law Study Program Faculty of Law, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/dih.v16i2.3345


AbstractIn this study the objectives to be achieved are to find out the transfer of inheritance in Indonesia and to find out whether approval is needed by the heirs in the transfer of inheritance. This research uses a normative juridical method, namely by reviewing the provisions regarding legal certainty regarding the procedure for transfer of inheritance assets carried out by one of the heirs without the approval of the other heirs. The procedure for transfer of inheritance in Indonesia is by transferring the inheritance wherein the distribution of inheritance is an act of the heirs. Distribution is usually done by consensus or on a joint will and can be carried out voluntarily and harmony between the heirs. The heirs must know their respective rights according to law and if there is a transfer, there must be approval of the heirs. Transfer of inheritance must be carried out immediately after the testator dies, it should not be postponed unless there are certain circumstances that are not possible. This mainly avoids the possession of inheritance which will eventually lead to a dispute between the parties. So in this case the community must equip themselves with knowledge of inheritance, so that they understand the rights and obligations of each heir, but deliberation is suggested as one of the better solutions, without a court process so that there is no interruption of family friendship.Keywords: heir; inheritance; redirectAbstrakDalam penelitian ini tujuan yang ingin dicapai yakniUntuk mengetahui pengalihan harta warisan di Indonesia dan Untuk mengetahui apakah diperlukan persetujuan oleh ahli waris dalam pengalihan harta warisan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, yakni dengan mengkaji ketentuan mengenai kepastian hukum tentang tata cara Pengalihan harta warisan yang dilakukan oleh salah seorang ahli waris tanpa persetujuan ahli waris yang lainnya.Tata cara pengalihan harta warisan di Indonesia adalah dengan cara pengalihan harta warisandimana pembagian warisan yang merupakan suatu perbuatan dari pada para ahli waris. Pembagian biasanya dilakukan dengan permufakatan atau atas kehendak bersama dan dapat dilaksanakan dengan sukarela dan kerukunan antara para ahli waris.Para ahali waris harus mengetahui haknya masing-masing menurut hukum dan jika ada pengalihan maka harus ada persetujuan ahli waris. Pengalihan harta warisan harus segera dilaksanakan setelah pewaris meninggal, tidak boleh ditunda-tunda kecuali jika ada keadaan tertentu yang tidak memungkinkan. Hal ini terutama menghindari adanya penguasaan harta warisan yang akhirnya akan terjadi sengketa di antara para pihak. Sehingga dalam hal ini masyarakat harus membekali diri dengan pengetahuan tentang waris, sehingga mengerti atas hak dan kewajiban masing-masing ahli waris, namun musyawarah disarankan sebagai salah satu jalan keluar yang lebih baik, tanpa proses pengadilan agar tidak terputusnya silaturahmi antar keluarga.Kata kunci: ahli waris; harta warisan; pengalihan